Lance's regimen consists of at least three insulin shots a day. His program uses a combination of long lasting insulin and short acting insulin. In the morning we prick his finger for a drop of blood to monitor his morning blood sugar level. He is usually within the range for the morning so we administer an insulin shot with a combination of the long acting and short acting insulin. The short acting will counteract the carbs eaten at breakfast while the long acting will take care of morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. He eats 35 to 40 carbs for breakfast, usually oatmeal and milk.
At lunch his blood sugar is monitored again. If within normal levels then he does not need an insulin shot and he can eat his lunch. Lunch consists of 40 to 45 carbs. Lately Lance has refused to eat bread so getting up to 40 carbs without adding a lot of sweets is challenging.
At dinner, his blood sugar is monitored again and he gets a dose of the short acting insulin. This shot counteracts the 30 to 35 grams of carbs in his dinner. Yes, it is OK if you do not eat your meat but you must eat all of your fries and grapes!
After bath, just before bedtime, Lance gets his blood sugar checked again. He gets a dose of the long lasting insulin to carry him through the night. He gets a snack of about 15 carbs with some protein just before bed. Isn't it supposed to be bad to eat right before bed? Anyways, that carries him to the morning where the cycle repeats.
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